The crisis of nicotine addiction in the United States continues to evolve, with e-cigarettes now in the hands of 8.1 million adults. The popularity of e-cigarettes or “vapes” has surged, becoming an alarmingly commonplace alternative to traditional cigarettes.
However, an interesting observation has surfaced amidst this trend – a significant majority of e-cigarette users reportedly wish to quit nicotine consumption entirely.
Despite their intentions, success stories are few and far between, and there’s a clear lack of substantial research geared towards effective intervention strategies.
But a beacon of hope may lie within a surprising source: Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD.
CBD is a non-intoxicating compound extracted from the cannabis plant, known widely for its therapeutic benefits. Recent studies suggest that it may be a powerful tool to help individuals attempting to break free from the grip of e-cigarettes.
Preliminary research indicates that CBD has the potential to ease the discomfort of nicotine withdrawal and the anxiety that comes with quitting e-cigarettes.
To understand better the impact CBD could have on nicotine withdrawal and anxiety, researchers undertook a study involving 20 daily e-cigarette users.
The study utilized an open-label, crossover design, meaning all participants tried both the treatment (CBD) and the control (no CBD). Each participant abstained from e-cigarette use for four hours on two different occasions, once while taking 320 mg of orally administered CBD, and once without any CBD.

One of the critical factors the researchers considered was the participants’ expectations about CBD’s effect, known as CBD expectancies. This is because the belief that a substance will have a particular impact can sometimes create a placebo effect, influencing the actual results.
By controlling for this factor, the researchers ensured that the reported effects were likely due to CBD itself, not just the participants’ expectations.
The results of the study were promising. The findings revealed that CBD did indeed help to mitigate the severity of nicotine withdrawal symptoms and anxiety during the abstinence period.
Those who took CBD reported less severe symptoms and less anxiety compared to their abstinence period without CBD. These results were consistent with the researchers’ initial hypothesis and suggest that CBD could play a beneficial role in nicotine cessation attempts.
Despite being preliminary, these findings offer a glimmer of hope in the fight against nicotine addiction.
They indicate that CBD might be an effective aid for individuals trying to quit e-cigarettes, providing them with an additional resource in their journey towards a nicotine-free life.
Further research is necessary to solidify these claims and to gain more comprehensive insight into how CBD can best be utilized in e-cigarette cessation attempts.
We may be witnessing a significant breakthrough in how we approach nicotine addiction.